
Aura Reading:

An aura is the body’s energy field and may be one of many colors such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, and even gray or brown. I like to think of Auras as your specific spirit energy.

During an aura reading I ask the client to relax while I read their energy. After the reading I explain the significance of their colors.


Reiki is of Japanese origin and is often considered a spiritual healing. Based on the ideology of life energy or life force energy that flows through all living things, Reiki is a spiritual treatment/healing for the body, mind and spirit. A person is treated with energy forces by another person or conduit of energy. I say conduit of energy as in I am being used as a tool in which healing energies can pass from the Universe to you the client, a direct/tuned in passageway.



Chakras are the body’s energy centers. There are seven chakras throughout the body and within each chakra is a healing energy called prana. The main idea behind chakras is if they are open and aligned your energy, prana included, is allowed to flow freely and constantly. Making the individual healthier and happier.

Much like an aura reading, I ask the client to relax and allow me to read their charkas. I look at each chakra, examining color and vibrancy. With years of medical experience in conjunction with my intuitive capabilities I inform the client of any problem areas that are either linked to medical issues or emotional ones. Below is the list of the seven chakras with a small description of each.

Seven Chakras:

1. Root – located at the base of the spine, represented by the color red and is what keeps us grounded.

2. Sacral – located below the navel/pelvic area, represented by the color orange and is connected to our emotions and creativity.

3. Solar Plexus – located in the center of the stomach, represented by the color yellow and is tied to personal power/confidence.

4. Heart – located over the heart, represented by the color green and is all things love both give and receive. Connects the top chakras with the bottom chakras.

5. Throat – located in the throat, represented by the color blue and is our voice, ability to communicate.

6. Third Eye – located between the eyebrows, represented by the color indigo, helps connect to intuition and beyond physical/material world.

7. Crown – located at the top of the head, represented by the colors violet or white, is the chakra that connect to your higher spirituality and consciousness.


Angel Cards:

Angel Cards are a specific type of reading card that is connected to Angelic entities/spirits. These cards are pure light in how they choose to relay messages. Angels are loving and protective and through Angel card readings we are better able to “hear” from the Angels that stay with us or our Guardian Angels and what guidance they are offering.

As a Lightworker it is one of the main reasons I love Angel cards. The pure light and energy that resonates from reaching out to Guardian Angels with no mal intent anywhere. All love.

Oracle Cards:

Oracle cards are a deck of cards tied to a theme set by the creator. There are pictures and meanings for each card that the deck creator lists in a guide book that allows the user to better understand how to interpret the cards. Not to be confused with Tarot Cards, which is a rigid deck of cards and rules. Oracle cards have a wide range of sizes and functions. Often readers use more than one deck because of this reason and being able to better tailor a reading based on what the client is wanting to know.

Kipper Cards:

There are 36 cards in a deck with many “people” represented. The high amount of “people cards” makes Kipper Readings better suited to answering questions about relationships and their complexities.


Lenormand Cards:

Lenormand cards have been around for over 200 years and are known for having quite literal meanings. The cards themselves will show both positive and negative connotations of their images. It is up to the reader to determine what the cards are saying based on the supporting cards and question asked. Lenormand cards are great for showing possible outcomes or how events may unfold.

I often use Lenormand decks that have cards representing same sex relationships. This allows me to give a more specific reading when dealing with friends, family, spouses etc. of the same sex.


Merkaba Amethyst Dowsing Pendulum:

The dowsing pendulum is used for answering yes or no questions. There is a possibility for maybe answers. Therefore questions should be as clear and concise as possible.

My specific dowsing pendulum has an amethyst Merkaba. Amethyst is a stone that has always resonated with me for its ability to protect and cleanse. I believe Amethyst a great stone for a pendulum having the ability to enhance intuition and psychic abilities. The Merkaba is a design of two intersecting tetrahedrons, following Sacred Geometry. The Merkaba utilizes the pure divine energy of light, spirit and body.

Mediumship and Divination – gaining insight to questions or situations. Not foretelling the future but merely a possible outcome based on your own decision making path. Ideally those seeking appointments with me will leave with a sense of gaining higher knowledge and mental clarity through the services I offer.